Friday, January 31, 2014

Amelia's Goes Sledding (the benefit of living in Wisconsin!)

Although Amelia has technically seen snow (last Christmas in Iowa) she was really too young to remember and she didn't spend too much time playing in it, honestly she wasn't really interested in it much at all last year.  This year was a different story. Amelia has had A LOT of opportunities to play in the snow and was excited each and every time.

After the first snow Eric headed out to snow blow so Mommy and Amelia bundled up to join him and play. Amelia was much more adventurous than last year, creating her own snow angel!

After a couple snows we felt it was time to take Amelia sledding for the first time. We had to convince her up the big hill and she seemed a little skeptical but always smiled and said she had fun at the bottom of the hill. 

Welcome to Wisconsin! :)

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